The course is structured across three days and the 2023 programme is available below for reference. A series of lectures, saw-bone workshops and breakout sessions will provide delegates with an up to date comprehensive overview of pathologies relevant to the adult foot and ankle. Every year, the course invites two internationally renowned surgeons to join the UK faculty. To see what previous delegates have thought of the course, please read selected feedback below the programme.
Feedback From Previous Years
Excellent faculty - all friendly and approachable as well as very knowledgeable and experienced.
Covered everything you could need to know.
Really well organised with everything running on time.
A big thank you to the whole organising committee, It's been a wonderful enriching experience for me.
I would like to congratulate the organiser and everyone who put all their effort to make this course very balance and knowledgeable to everyone.
Enjoyed the course a lot.
Interesting cases discussed. Very valuable.
High faculty to attendee ratio.
Best faculty, very well organised, almost all topics covered to the highest quality possible.
Very good information, new angles on routine problems and examination techniques were good.
Very well organised, covers the most of the topics of foot and ankle. presentation was very good.
Good schedule for the 3 days, interesting topics, good faculty.​
Fracture sessions were brilliant and helped changed practice.
Excellent trauma / forefoot presentations and overall organization.
The quality of the information was great. The presenters were excellent.
The skill stations were very useful in helping me understand pathology and how to correct it.
Comprehensive, good speakers, useful workshops.
Contents covered most important aspects of F+A, Workshops were excellent.
Great faculty, approachable, know their area of expertise and explained things well.
Well organised, Good lectures, Covered almost the entire subject of foot and ankle surgery.